' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2024.]) on 2025.02.15 at 18:32 (Coordinated Universal Time)
' Program by Charlie Veniot
' Using DRAW to "spirograph" ellipses
' Rotating the ellipses on an axis to create a colorful circle

' 🟠🟠🟠 Declarations

  CONST s% = 201, _            ' Screen dimension (width and height)
        scm% = ( s% - 1 ) / 2  ' Middle coordinates of screen (x and y)

  DIM aColor%( 1 TO 62 )       ' Color palette array
  VAR maxColors%               ' Max number of colours for current drawing iteration
  VAR aE%                      ' angle of ellipse
  VAR aG%                      ' angle for position of a spirographing "gear" in the spirographing frame

' 🟠🟠🟠 Main program

  SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( s%, s%, 17)
  aE% = 0


    GOSUB 🎨SetColorPalette
    FOR aE% = 0 TO 359
        c% = aColor%( INT( RND * maxColors% ) + 1 ) 
        GOSUB 🖌DrawEllipse
        IF aE% MOD 3 = 0 THEN SLEEP 0.001
    NEXT aE%
    SLEEP 2
  GOTO ➔Iteration


' 🟠🟠🟠 GOSUB Routines

    maxColors% = INT( RND * 60 ) + 2
    FOR i% = 1 TO maxColors%
        aColor%( i% ) = INT( RND * 62 ) + 1
    NEXT i%

  ' Well, about a quarter of an ellipse
    FOR aG% = 95 TO 185 STEP 1
        DRAW "BM " + scm% + "," + scm%
        DRAW "B TA " + ( aE% + aG% ) + " U" + ( scm% - 45 )
        DRAW "B TA " + ( 450 + aE% - aG% ) + " R39"
        CIRCLE ( POINT(0), POINT(1) ), 1, c%, , , , T
    NEXT aG%